You are here: Account Setup > Other Customizations

Other Customizations

You may add a picture of yourself on the portal home page. The image must be no larger than 200KB in size, and in a standard format of JPEG, JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF.

There will be an outline silhouette unless a custom image is already uploaded.

In the My Information field, click on the silhouette.

In the 'File Upload' window, click on the 'Upload' (green cross) button

In the 'Upload' window, click on 'Select'.

Navigate to the directory where your image is saved.

Select an image and click Open.

If the image exceeds 200KB, there will be an error message -

Select another image of the supported size, and click on 'Upload'.

Check the portal home page; it should automatically refresh with the new image.

For more information, make sure to check out the 'Account Setup' video.

*Content currently being reviewed in our pilot phase